The blood clotting test (PT / INR) is essential to assess the time it takes for a clot to form and to monitor oral anticoagulation (OAT).
The coagulation product portfolio is perfectly suited to a hospital and territorial context, offering the same quality as the Laboratory.
PT / INR equipment can be connected to the AQURE middleware to allow management by the POC Manager in real time and / or to the Laboratory LIS system to ensure full traceability of the result.


- Available tests: PT / INR, APTT, TT, FIB and ACT
- Sampling from a capped primary tube, using a dedicated device
- Reduced sample volume: only 20μL
- Sample type: citrated venous whole blood, capillary whole blood
- Small size portable instrument: only 850g
- Simple and immediate: a few steps to get a result
- Fast and reliable – results available within 3 minutes
- Accurate: CV ≤ 5%
- Reagent strips to be stored at room temperature
- Built-in rechargeable battery
- Weight: 850 g
The OCG-102 optical analyzer used in conjunction with disposable test strips provides rapid laboratory quality results that support clinical decisions in the ER, Reanimation, OR, OA Centers and other critical departments.
The first POCT coagulation analyzer capable of testing PT / INR, APTT, TT, FIB and ACT.
LabPad INR

- Available tests: PT / INR
- Measurement range: 0.8 – 8
- QT 10-100%
- Reduced sample volume: only 3 µL
- Sample type: whole blood to be capillated
- Result in <1 min.
- Qscore built into each test for performance verification
- Stability of the strips: 18 months
- Automatic test ejection (operator safety)
- Small size: (WxHxD) 17.25 x 2.26 x 7.21 cm
- Built-in rechargeable battery
- Weight: 230 g
LabPad INR is an innovative system for the determination of clotting time, PT / INR, Ê ideal for monitoring anticoagulant therapy in patients treated with warfarin. Thanks to Bluetooth connectivity, it easily connects to smartphones and tablets for easy and immediate data management. Thanks to the patented LIT (Lensless Imaging Technology), combined with the microfluidics of Tsmart® devices, LabPad INR produces accurate results in no time.
LabPad Evolution

- Available tests: PT / INR
- Optional tests: SARS-COV-2 ANTIGEN; SARS-COV-2 IgG / IgM
- INR Measurement range: 0.8 – 8
- QT 10-100%
- Reduced sample volume: only 3 µL
- Sample type: whole blood to be capillated
- Result in <1 min.
- Qscore built into each test for performance verification
- Stability of the strips: 18 months
- Automatic test ejection (operator safety)
- Small size: (WxHxD) 17.2 x 2 x 7.4 cm
- Built-in rechargeable battery
- Weight: 270 g
LabPad Evolution is a portable multi-test device for Poinf of Care, designed to assist healthcare professionals in direct contact with patients, wherever they are.
It works with a range of single use tests (SmartChip) to allow a specific biological test to be performed.
The SmartChips currently available are for SARS-COV-2 Antigen, SARS-COV-2 Antibody and rapid PT / INR tests.
The new tests will focus on nutrition and cardiac markers.