

Sistema ideale per la misurazione dell’osmolalità, progettato per garantire la qualità del dato nel Laboratorio moderno.


OsmoPRO è stato progettato per aumentare l'efficienza del Laboratorio moderno garantendo analisi in continuo.

Osmometers measure the osmolality of aqueous samples.
The determination through the depression of the freezing point is a very precise and accurate technology: it is the most commonly used method in laboratories all over the world.

Osmometry is the measure of osmotic concentration, which finds application in various fields, in particular in the hospital setting, where it provides an important data in completing the clinical picture in cases of alcohol intoxication, severe burns, concussions, post-operative course and much more.
Advanced Instruments osmometers offer guaranteed quality and reliability performance in obtaining detailed information on process development, patient health or product quality.
The tools are easy to use and carefully optimized for biotech, clinical and food labs and fit any workflow, including a full range of connectivity options.



  • Minimum sample volume: only 20 ± 1 microLiters
  • Result in 90 seconds
  • Accuracy and precision in measurement
  • Wide measurement range
  • Display with user interface in Italian
  • Levey-Jennings Graphs for Controls
  • Statistical processing of up to 20 exams and memory of 1,000 tests
  • Integrated barcode and printer
  • 2 or 3 point calibration
  • Ease of use
  • Bidirectional connection
  • Ability to export to HIS-LIS or via USB

Osmo1, the single sample osmometer, combines the need for accurate and reliable osmolality measurement with ease of use and performs analyzes in just 90 seconds.
It is ideal for laboratories that require the analysis of a dozen samples per day or prefer a single analysis instrument ensuring simplified management.



  • Minimum sample volume: only 20 ± 1 microLiters
  • Result in 90 seconds
  • Accuracy and precision in measurement
  • Wide measurement range
  • Display with user interface in Italian
  • Levey-Jennings Graphs for Controls
  • Statistical processing of up to 20 exams and memory of 1,000 tests
  • Integrated barcode and printer
  • 3-point calibration
  • Ease of use
  • Bidirectional connection
  • Ability to export to HIS-LIS or via USB
  • Multi-sample instrument (up to 20) equipped with a turntable
  • Possibility of configuring the software with differentiated access levels

OsmoPRO features a carousel device capable of handling up to 20 samples, an intuitive touchscreen interface and offers industry-leading performance and analyzes in just 90 seconds
Simple, reliable and efficient, the OsmoPRO instrument provides accurate and precise analysis of Patient samples ensuring maximum productivity.


